Answer :


The Western coasts of India, Western Ghats, Cherrapunji, and Arunachal Pradesh are the regions that get more than 4000 mm of rainfall.






Rainfall exceeding 4000 mm in certain places can be attributed to several factors:

1. **Geographical Location**: Areas located near the equator or in tropical regions often experience heavy rainfall due to the warm, moist air that rises and cools, leading to frequent and intense precipitation.

2. **Monsoon Winds**: Regions affected by strong monsoon winds, such as the Western Ghats in India, receive heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. The mountains force the moist air to rise, cool, and condense, resulting in heavy rainfall.

3. **Orographic Effect**: Mountain ranges that block moist air masses can cause the air to rise, cool, and condense, leading to very high levels of rainfall on the windward side of the mountains.

4. **Cyclones and Tropical Storms**: Areas prone to cyclones and tropical storms can receive large amounts of rain in a short period due to the intense convection and moisture associated with these weather systems.

5. **Convergence Zones**: Regions where trade winds converge, such as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), experience frequent and heavy rainfall due to the rising moist air that cools and condenses.

6. **Local Weather Patterns**: Certain local weather conditions, such as low-pressure systems and convectional rain, can contribute to extremely high rainfall in specific areas.

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