Answer :


The set \( P \) is defined as \( P = \{ x \mid x = 2 \} \).

This notation means \( P \) is the set of all elements \( x \) such that \( x \) equals \( 2 \).

- An **empty set** is a set with no elements. \( P \) is not empty because it contains at least one element (which is \( 2 \)).

- A **finite set** is a set that has a finite number of elements. \( P \) contains exactly one element (\( 2 \)), so it is finite.

- An **infinite set** is a set that has an infinite number of elements. \( P \) is not infinite because it only contains one specific element (\( 2 \)).

- A **singleton set** is a set with exactly one element. \( P \) is a singleton set because it contains exactly one element, which is \( 2 \).

Therefore, the correct answer is (D) singleton set.

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