Rohan plant 5 mango trees in his garden. On the First day, he watered 4 plants . On the Second day, he watered the same 4 plants because the 5th plant dried and he threw it. What measures should be taken to protect our environment?​

Answer :


Explanation:To understand Rohan's watering schedule for the mango trees, let's analyze the situation step by step.

1. **Number of Trees:** Rohan planted 5 mango trees.

2. **First Day:** Rohan watered 4 out of the 5 trees.

3. **Second Day:** Rohan again watered the same 4 trees.

Since Rohan is continuously watering the same 4 trees, the 5th tree is never being watered.

**Questions to Consider:**

- Is there a reason the 5th tree is not being watered?

- Is Rohan planning to water the 5th tree on subsequent days?

Given the current information, the 5th tree is not receiving any water. This might affect its growth compared to the other trees.

If you have any further details or questions regarding this situation, please provide them, and I will be happy to help!


To protect the environment, Rohan should water all the plants equally.

Rohan should water all the plants equally.


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