1. On an A4 size sheet design a literary calendar for the month of your birthday. Mark highlight the birthdays of poet / poetess/author/authoress on that calendar. Down below the literary calendar write the names of poet/ poetess/author/ authoress marked on the calendar and write down any important work of the same. ​

Answer :


Explanation:Certainly! Since I don't know your birthday month, let's create a hypothetical literary calendar for the month of June. Here's how you could design it on an A4 size sheet:


**Literary Calendar: June**

1. **June 2**

  - Birthday of Thomas Hardy (Author)

2. **June 5**

  - Birthday of Federico García Lorca (Poet)

3. **June 8**

  - Birthday of Frank Lloyd Wright (Architect) - *not a literary figure, but notable*

4. **June 16**

  - Birthday of Joyce Carol Oates (Author)

5. **June 18**

  - Birthday of Sylvia Plath (Poet)

6. **June 21**

  - Birthday of Jean-Paul Sartre (Philosopher and Author)

7. **June 24**

  - Birthday of Jack London (Author)

8. **June 30**

  - Birthday of Jean de La Fontaine (Poet)


**Design Elements:**

- Use a clean, grid-based layout.

- Highlight the dates using bold or a different color.

- Include small icons or illustrations related to each author or poet.

- Add a border or decorative elements around the calendar.


- Adjust the names and dates based on the actual authors and poets you want to feature.

- Consider adding quotes or brief descriptions of their notable works beside their birthdays for added literary context.

This layout should fit well on an A4 sheet and provide a visually appealing and informative literary calendar for the month of June!

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