Answer :


Explanation:To solve the expression `9 * 5 + 3**3 // 2 - 8`, we follow the order of operations, often remembered by the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (left to right), Addition and Subtraction (left to right)).

Let's break down each part step by step:

1. **Exponents (`3**3`)**:

  - Calculate \( 3^3 \).

  - \( 3^3 = 27 \).

2. **Division (`3**3 // 2`)**:

  - Perform integer division of \( 27 \) by \( 2 \).

  - \( 27 // 2 = 13 \) (integer division means we discard the remainder).

3. **Multiplication (`9 * 5`)**:

  - Multiply \( 9 \) by \( 5 \).

  - \( 9 * 5 = 45 \).

4. **Addition (`9 * 5 + 13`)**:

  - Add \( 45 \) and \( 13 \).

  - \( 45 + 13 = 58 \).

5. **Subtraction (`9 * 5 + 13 - 8`)**:

  - Finally, subtract \( 8 \) from \( 58 \).

  - \( 58 - 8 = 50 \).

Therefore, the value of the expression `9 * 5 + 3**3 // 2 - 8` is \( \boxed{50} \).

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