Answer :



[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]


Dear [Brother's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits at school. With Eid approaching, I wanted to share with you how we are preparing for the celebrations back home.

Firstly, Mom has been busy planning the Eid decorations. She's picked out colorful banners, fairy lights, and beautiful Eid-themed artwork to liven up the house. It already looks so festive!

Dad has been teaching me how to prepare some traditional Eid dishes. We've been making kebabs, biryani, and of course, your favorite sheer khurma. The house smells amazing with all the spices and cooking happening in the kitchen.

As for shopping, we've been to the market several times. Mom insists on getting new clothes for everyone, including you. She's picked out a stylish new kurta for you to wear on Eid day. I've also got a new outfit that I think you'll like.

The mosque in our neighborhood is organizing special prayers and events for Eid. I'm looking forward to attending with our family and meeting friends from the community.

I know you must miss being home during these festive times, but we are all eagerly waiting for your return. We'll make sure to save some delicious sweets and treats for you.

Please take care of yourself and enjoy your time at school. Eid won't be the same without you, but we'll make sure to keep you updated with photos and videos of our celebrations.

Sending you lots of love and warm wishes for a joyful Eid.

Your loving brother,

[Your Name]


Feel free to personalize the letter further based on your family's traditions and specific details.

I hope this answer is helpful.

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