Answer :


In the story "Gerard's Cunning," Gerard indeed outwits the intruder and demonstrates his cleverness. The intruder, who pretends to be the schoolmaster, tries to deceive Gerard's mother and gain entry into their house. However, Gerard sees through the intruder's disguise and cleverly tests his knowledge by asking him questions only the real schoolmaster would know, such as the name of the school cook and the price of the school fees. When the intruder fails to answer these questions convincingly, Gerard exposes him as an impostor and prevents him from entering their home.

Gerard's actions showcase his quick thinking, perceptiveness, and ability to see through deception. By questioning the intruder's knowledge in a subtle and strategic manner, Gerard effectively reveals the intruder's true identity without confronting him directly. This demonstrates Gerard's cleverness and resourcefulness in handling the situation.

Furthermore, Gerard's decision to call for help from the villagers instead of confronting the intruder alone shows his wisdom and maturity. He understands the importance of seeking assistance when faced with a potentially dangerous situation, highlighting his ability to assess risks and make prudent decisions.

In conclusion, Gerard's actions in the story demonstrate his cleverness and ability to outwit the intruder through strategic questioning and prudent decision-making. Thus, I agree with the statement that Gerard comes out as a clever person in the story.


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