Answer :


Economic value is the measurement of the benefit derived from a good or service to an individual or a company. Economic value can also be the maximum price or amount of money that someone is willing to pay for a good or service. As a result, economic value can be higher than market value.


The economic values of a company to a community can be significant and multifaceted. Here are some key aspects:

1. **Employment Opportunities**:

- Companies create jobs, reducing unemployment and providing residents with stable incomes.

- Diverse roles from entry-level to skilled positions cater to a wide range of the workforce.

2. **Economic Growth**:

- Companies contribute to the local economy by stimulating economic activities through business operations, investments, and infrastructure development.

- Local suppliers and service providers benefit from business contracts and partnerships.

3. **Tax Revenue**:

- Businesses pay taxes which fund public services such as schools, hospitals, and infrastructure projects, enhancing the quality of life in the community.

4. **Skill Development**:

- Companies often invest in training and development for their employees, which can increase the skill level of the local workforce.

- This investment can make the community more attractive to other businesses, further boosting economic growth.

5. **Innovation and Technology Transfer**:

- Companies can introduce new technologies and innovative practices to the community, fostering a culture of innovation.

- This can lead to further business opportunities and modernization of local industries.

6. **Community Development**:

- Many companies engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, contributing to local community projects, education, health, and welfare programs.

- This can improve social infrastructure and community well-being.

7. **Local Investment**:

- Companies often invest in local real estate and infrastructure, enhancing property values and local amenities.

- Such investments can also lead to urban development and better facilities for residents.

8. **Supply Chain Impact**:

- The presence of a company can create a ripple effect, supporting a network of local suppliers and small businesses.

- This multiplier effect boosts economic activity throughout the community.

9. **Enhanced Standard of Living**:

- With better job opportunities, skill development, and higher income levels, the standard of living within the community can improve.

- Increased disposable income among residents can lead to greater spending on local goods and services, further stimulating the local economy.

10. **Social Capital**:

- Businesses can foster a sense of community through partnerships, sponsorships, and local engagement initiatives.

- This can lead to stronger community ties and a more cohesive society.

By contributing to these areas, companies can play a vital role in enhancing the economic prosperity and overall quality of life in the communities where they operate.