you are a student counsellor of N.J. Public School. You are invited by S.M. International School, Kala Puram, to address Class XII students on Goal Setting & Time Management. Write a formal letter of reply accepting the invitation and confirming your presence at the stated time, including relevant details. ​

Answer :

**N.J. Public School**

45 Maple Street

New Jersey, NJ 07102

16th June 2024

**The Principal**

S.M. International School

Kala Puram

Dear Principal,

Subject: Acceptance of Invitation to Address Class XII Students on Goal Setting & Time Management

I am writing to express my gratitude for the invitation to address the Class XII students at S.M. International School on the important topics of goal setting and time management. It is a privilege to be considered for this opportunity, and I am pleased to confirm my presence at the event.

As requested, I will be present at S.M. International School, Kala Puram, on [insert date] at [insert time]. I look forward to engaging with your students and sharing insights that can help them navigate their academic and personal lives more effectively.

Please let me know if there are any specific themes or questions you would like me to cover during my talk. Additionally, I would appreciate any logistical details regarding the session, such as the duration, the venue within the school, and any technical arrangements needed for the presentation.

Thank you once again for this opportunity. I am looking forward to contributing to the development of your students and hope to make the session both informative and inspiring.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Student Counsellor

N.J. Public School

[Your Contact Information]


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