I) Title of the Story Solve my Problem You go to visit your friend in China. The moment youland there you get to know that your luggage got misplaced in transit. Later that day you become a victim to pick pocketing and you even lose your passport.​

Answer :

Once upon a time, in a bustling city in China, a traveler arrived to visit a dear friend. As soon as they landed, they received the unfortunate news that their luggage had gone missing during transit. Feeling unsettled, they tried to remain positive and hoped for a quick resolution.

Later that day, while exploring the vibrant streets, disaster struck again. The traveler fell victim to pickpocketing, losing valuable belongings and documents. Panic set in as they realized their passport was among the stolen items. It seemed like a string of misfortunes had befallen them all at once.

With a heavy heart and a sense of vulnerability, the traveler sought help from the local authorities and their friend. Together, they navigated the challenges of reporting the incidents, contacting the embassy, and taking necessary steps to recover from the setbacks.

Through perseverance, support from their friend, and the kindness of strangers, the traveler managed to overcome the obstacles. They learned valuable lessons about resilience, the importance of preparedness while traveling, and the strength found in moments of adversity.

Despite the unexpected hurdles, the traveler's journey in China became a tale of resilience, friendship, and the unwavering spirit to overcome obstacles, turning a series of unfortunate events into a story of growth and newfound strength.

Hope it help u! please mark my answer as a Brainliest...

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