Answer :


To solve this question, we need to match the given statements with the corresponding numbers in the options. Let's analyze the statements:

1. books are having pages

2. all kings are having pages

3. all kings are books

Now, let's match these statements with the options provided:

- Option (B) 4, 2, 6:

This option matches statement 2 with "all kings are having pages" and statement 4, which is not one of the given statements. So, option (B) does not match all three statements.

- Option (C) 1, 3, 5:

This option matches statement 1 with "books are having pages" and statement 3 with "all kings are books." However, it includes statement 5, which is not part of the given statements. So, option (C) does not match all three statements.

- Option (D) 2, 4, 5:

This option matches statement 2 with "all kings are having pages," statement 4 with a statement that is not given, and statement 5, which is not part of the given statements. Thus, option (D) does not match all three statements.

Therefore, none of the options (B), (C), or (D) match all the given statements 1, 2, and 3.

Hope it help u! please mark my answer as a Brainliest...

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