IV. Match the following. A 1. Core 2. Minerals 3. Rocks 4. sial 5. sima B a. innermost layer b. made of silicon and alumina c. have definite chemical composition d. made of silicon and magnesium e. aggregates of minerals ​

Answer :


To match the terms with their corresponding definitions:

IV. Match the following:


1. Core - b. innermost layer

2. Minerals - c. have definite chemical composition

3. Rocks - e. aggregates of minerals

4. sial - b. made of silicon and alumina

5. sima - d. made of silicon and magnesium


- **Core**: The innermost layer of the Earth.

- **Minerals**: Substances with a definite chemical composition and typically crystalline structure.

- **Rocks**: Aggregates of minerals or other solid materials.

- **Sial**: The upper layer of the Earth's crust, primarily composed of silicon and aluminum.

- **Sima**: The lower layer of the Earth's crust, composed of silicon and magnesium.

Therefore, the matched pairs are:

1. Core - b. innermost layer

2. Minerals - c. have definite chemical composition

3. Rocks - e. aggregates of minerals

4. sial - b. made of silicon and alumina

5. sima - d. made of silicon and magnesium

plzz mark as branliest

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