portrait a picture of yourself, how you perceive yourself, including your family, the surrounding, your community that have framed you so for you are required to portray this without using a single word. Answer

Answer :


Photographs are more than just images as they remind us of loads of memories, awaken a variety of emotions in us and are proof of the past that we can boast to our future generations. Similarly, the IELTS Speaking cue card topic, Describe a picture or photograph in your family, gives us an opportunity to share a part of our lives and prove your speaking proficiency.

In this post, you will not only learn how to answer similar cue card topics through the three sample answers but you will also find answers to Part 1 and Part 3 questions, like ‘name a time when you need to have your picture take’, ‘name a time when you need to take a picture’ or ‘how would you describe this image to a friend?’, etc. supported by relevant vocabulary.

Follow me


Here's an ASCII art representation that attempts to capture the essence of my perception and surroundings without using any words:



. ' ' .

/ .-. .-. \

| | O O | |

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\ .'\ `---' /'. /

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_.-' `-._

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`-._ | | | | | | | _.-'



/ | \

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/ | \

(Family) (Home) (Environment)


This illustration captures the concept of self (the central face), with the surrounding elements representing family, home, and the larger community. These elements collectively shape identity and experiences.