
12L juice is to be filled into bottles of , 1/4L each. How many such bottles can be

Answer :


12 liters of juice can fill 48 bottles,

Step-by-step explanation:

To find out how many bottles can be filled with 12 liters of juice, we need to divide the total amount of juice by the capacity of each bottle.

Given that each bottle has a capacity of 1/4 liter, to convert 12 liters to the same unit, we need to multiply by 4 to get the number of 1/4 liter units:

12 liters * 4 = 48 1/4 liters

Therefore, 12 liters of juice can fill 48 bottles, each with a capacity of 1/4 liter.

Hope it help u! please mark my answer as a Brainliest...


48 bottle

Step-by-step explanation:

first we have to divide total amount of juice with the capacity of each bottle.

now multiple 12L by 4 to get the number 1/4.

12L*4=48 1/4L

Therefore 12L juice filled in 48 bottle of capicty1/4L.

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