Answer :


Let's simplify each expression step by step:

**(a) 120 x (-15) + 120 x 5**

First, calculate each multiplication:

\[ 120 \times (-15) = -1800 \]

\[ 120 \times 5 = 600 \]

Now, add these results together:

\[ -1800 + 600 = -1200 \]

So, \( 120 \times (-15) + 120 \times 5 = -1200 \).

**(b) 215 x 53 - 15 x 53**

Here, we have a common factor in each term:

\[ 215 \times 53 - 15 \times 53 \]

Factor out \( 53 \):

\[ (215 - 15) \times 53 \]

Calculate inside the parentheses:

\[ 215 - 15 = 200 \]

Now multiply:

\[ 200 \times 53 \]

Calculate this multiplication:

\[ 200 \times 53 = 10600 \]

Therefore, \( 215 \times 53 - 15 \times 53 = 10600 \).

So, the simplified expressions are:

(a) \( -1200 \)

(b) \( 10600 \)

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