given below and answer the questions that foll
O the pretty brave things, thro' the coldest days
Imprisoned in walls of brown,
They never lost heart tho' the blast shrieked loud,
And the sleet and the hail came down;
a. What season or weather condition is being referred to as 'the
When the sleet and bail came do
winter comes this condition.
to as the "coldest days"
b. Why are the flowers described as 'brave' in this line?

Why are the flowers described as 'brave' in this line?

Answer :


### a. What season or weather condition is being referred to as "the coldest days"?

The phrase "the coldest days" refers to the winter season, specifically to harsh weather conditions characterized by sleet, hail, and cold temperatures.

### b. Why are the flowers described as 'brave' in this line?

The flowers are described as "brave" because they endure and persist through the harsh winter conditions ("the blast shrieked loud, and the sleet and the hail came down"). Despite being "imprisoned in walls of brown" (suggesting they are in a dormant or protected state), they do not lose heart, symbolizing resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

The poem describes the resilience of flowers during the harsh winter season, which is characterized by "the coldest days" and the onslaught of sleet and hail. The season or weather condition referred to here is winter, a time when flora is typically exposed to extreme cold and precipitation, challenging their survival. Flowers are personified as 'brave' in this context to highlight their ability to endure and persist despite the adverse conditions. This personification imbues the flowers with a sense of courage and fortitude, as they continue to exist and retain their beauty amidst the relentless winter weather, much like living beings who show bravery in the face of daunting challenges. The use of the word 'brave' emphasizes the admirable qualities of resilience and strength found in nature, even in the smallest and seemingly delicate forms of life.

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