Answer :


Sure, here are 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to communication skills in IT.

1. **Which of the following is an example of verbal communication?**

- a) Email

- b) Face-to-face meeting

- c) Text message

- d) Social media post

2. **What is the primary goal of active listening?**

- a) To prepare your response while the other person is speaking

- b) To ensure you correctly understand the speaker’s message

- c) To dominate the conversation

- d) To interrupt with your ideas

3. **Which of the following is not a component of non-verbal communication?**

- a) Eye contact

- b) Tone of voice

- c) Written text

- d) Body language

4. **Why is feedback important in communication?**

- a) It ends the conversation quickly

- b) It ensures the message was understood correctly

- c) It allows only one-way communication

- d) It is used to criticize the speaker

5. **What is the most effective way to resolve a conflict in the workplace?**

- a) Avoid the person involved

- b) Discuss the issue openly and find a mutual solution

- c) Blame the other person

- d) Send an email to the entire team

6. **Which communication method is best for conveying complex technical information?**

- a) Phone call

- b) Face-to-face meeting

- c) Text message

- d) Social media post

7. **What does "active listening" involve?**

- a) Ignoring the speaker’s feelings

- b) Preparing your argument while the speaker talks

- c) Nodding and summarizing the speaker’s points

- d) Interrupting with counterpoints

8. **Which of the following is a barrier to effective communication?**

- a) Clear message

- b) Active listening

- c) Jargon and technical language

- d) Open body language

9. **What is the purpose of using visual aids in a presentation?**

- a) To distract the audience

- b) To reinforce the spoken message

- c) To fill time

- d) To show off your skills

10. **Which is an example of written communication in IT?**

- a) Email

- b) Conference call

- c) Face-to-face meeting

- d) Gesture

11. **What should you do if you receive an unclear email?**

- a) Ignore it

- b) Respond with your best guess

- c) Ask for clarification

- d) Forward it to someone else

12. **Which of the following best describes "feedback"?**

- a) One-way communication

- b) Constructive response to a message

- c) Ignoring the sender’s message

- d) Non-verbal gestures

13. **In a team meeting, how should you address a colleague’s idea that you disagree with?**

- a) Dismiss it immediately

- b) Criticize the idea harshly

- c) Respectfully share your perspective and reasons

- d) Ignore the idea

14. **What is the primary benefit of clear and concise communication in IT projects?**

- a) Increases complexity

- b) Reduces misunderstandings and errors

- c) Lengthens project timelines

- d) Eliminates the need for meetings

15. **Which skill is crucial for effective remote communication?**

- a) Loud speaking

- b) Proficiency with collaboration tools

- c) Hand gestures

- d) Eye contact

16. **What is the best way to start an email to a new business contact?**

- a) “Hey!”

- b) “To whom it may concern,”

- c) “Dear [Name],”

- d) No greeting needed

17. **Why is it important to adapt your communication style in a multicultural team?**

- a) To show dominance

- b) To ensure respect and understanding across different cultures

- c) To confuse others

- d) To stick to one style regardless of the audience

18. **Which of the following can enhance clarity in your written communication?**

- a) Using technical jargon

- b) Keeping sentences long and complex

- c) Using bullet points and headings

- d) Writing in a casual tone

19. **What should you avoid during a video conference?**

- a) Maintaining eye contact

- b) Speaking clearly

- c) Multitasking

- d) Using a good microphone

20. **What does the term "empathy" mean in the context of communication?**

- a) Ignoring others’ feelings

- b) Understanding and sharing the feelings of another

- c) Speaking about your own experiences

- d) Giving advice without listening

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