Research idioms in Hindi that are related to celestial bodies like planets, constellations and stars. you should find at least 15 idioms . write down each idiom along with its meaning and sentence demonstrating its usage.for grade 8 ​

Answer :


Explanation:Sure, here are 15 idioms in Hindi related to celestial bodies like planets, constellations, and stars:

1. **अँधे सितारे भी स्वर्ग से कम नहीं होते हैं।**  

  Meaning: Even blind stars are no less than heaven. (Every cloud has a silver lining.)

2. **अपने तारे खो देना**  

  Meaning: To lose one's star. (To lose one's luck or fortune.)

3. **तारों का हमला**  

  Meaning: Attack of the stars. (A very auspicious or lucky event.)

4. **अंतरिक्ष का राजा**  

  Meaning: King of space. (A person who is very influential or dominant.)

5. **अंतरिक्ष की बदनाम चाँदनी**  

  Meaning: The infamous moon of space. (Someone who is unfairly criticized despite being innocent.)

6. **चाँद को देखने चला**  

  Meaning: Going to see the moon. (Making big plans or setting high goals.)

7. **सूर्य की किरणें**  

  Meaning: Sun's rays. (Blessings or good fortune.)

8. **अंतरिक्ष का फरिश्ता**  

  Meaning: Angel of space. (A person who is very kind-hearted and helpful.)

9. **बहुमुखी तारा**  

  Meaning: Multi-faced star. (A person who has many talents or skills.)

10. **अंतरिक्ष में रंग-बिरंगे**  

   Meaning: Colorful in space. (A place or event full of variety and excitement.)

11. **चाँदी की बरात**  

   Meaning: Wedding of silver. (A wedding celebration that is grand and luxurious.)

12. **ग्रह-नक्षत्रों का खेल**  

   Meaning: Game of planets and stars. (Things happening unexpectedly or beyond one's control.)

13. **ग्रहों में बादशाह**  

   Meaning: King of planets. (A person who is very powerful or influential.)

14. **तारों की बारात**  

   Meaning: Procession of stars. (A gathering or event where many important people are present.)

15. **सितारों से आगे जहाँ और भी हैं**  

   Meaning: Beyond the stars, there are even more worlds. (There is more to life than what meets the eye.)

These idioms reflect the rich cultural and linguistic expressions in Hindi related to celestial bodies and their symbolism.

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