Answer :


Sure, here are 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to the topic of electronic spreadsheets, commonly taught in IT courses. Each question is followed by four answer choices, with the correct answer marked.

1. **What is an electronic spreadsheet?**

- A) A digital document that organizes data in rows and columns

- B) A software used for creating text documents

- C) A program for editing images

- D) A tool for designing websites

- **Answer: A**

2. **Which of the following is a common electronic spreadsheet application?**

- A) Microsoft Word

- B) Adobe Photoshop

- C) Microsoft Excel

- D) Mozilla Firefox

- **Answer: C**

3. **What is a cell in an electronic spreadsheet?**

- A) A group of data points

- B) A single point of data entry, formed by the intersection of a row and a column

- C) A command in a spreadsheet

- D) A part of the computer hardware

- **Answer: B**

4. **How are columns labeled in a spreadsheet?**

- A) Numerically (1, 2, 3, ...)

- B) Alphabetically (A, B, C, ...)

- C) By symbols (@, #, $)

- D) Randomly

- **Answer: B**

5. **What is the purpose of a formula in a spreadsheet?**

- A) To store textual data

- B) To perform calculations and logical operations

- C) To display images

- D) To connect to the internet

- **Answer: B**

6. **What symbol is used to start a formula in Excel?**

- A) &

- B) $

- C) =

- D) #

- **Answer: C**

7. **Which function would you use to calculate the average of a range of cells?**

- A) SUM

- B) MIN

- C) MAX


- **Answer: D**

8. **What is the shortcut key to save a spreadsheet in most spreadsheet software?**

- A) Ctrl + P

- B) Ctrl + S

- C) Ctrl + C

- D) Ctrl + V

- **Answer: B**

9. **In Excel, which feature allows you to automatically fill cells with a series of data?**

- A) AutoSum

- B) Fill Handle

- C) Pivot Table

- D) Data Validation

- **Answer: B**

10. **Which of the following is NOT a type of chart available in Excel?**

- A) Line Chart

- B) Bar Chart

- C) Network Chart

- D) Pie Chart

- **Answer: C**

11. **What does the 'SUM' function do in a spreadsheet?**

- A) Finds the maximum value in a range

- B) Adds all the numbers in a range

- C) Counts the number of cells in a range

- D) Finds the minimum value in a range

- **Answer: B**

12. **Which of the following cell references is an example of an absolute reference?**

- A) A1

- B) $A$1

- C) A$1

- D) $A1

- **Answer: B**

13. **What is the primary purpose of a Pivot Table?**

- A) To edit text documents

- B) To create charts

- C) To summarize and analyze data

- D) To browse the internet

- **Answer: C**

14. **How can you sort data in a spreadsheet?**

- A) By clicking the 'Home' tab

- B) By using the 'Sort & Filter' option

- C) By pressing Ctrl + Z

- D) By creating a new sheet

- **Answer: B**

15. **Which feature in Excel can be used to find specific information within a spreadsheet?**

- A) Macro

- B) Conditional Formatting

- C) Find and Replace

- D) Data Validation

- **Answer: C**

16. **What is a 'range' in a spreadsheet?**

- A) A single cell

- B) A group of cells

- C) A type of chart

- D) A formatting option

- **Answer: B**

17. **Which Excel function would you use to count the number of cells that contain numbers?**





- **Answer: B**

18. **What does the term 'worksheet' refer to in Excel?**

- A) The entire Excel file

- B) A single page within an Excel file

- C) The formula bar

- D) A toolbar

- **Answer: B**

19. **Which of the following is a correct cell reference in Excel?**

- A) 1A

- B) A1

- C) $A1$

- D) A$1$

- **Answer: B**

20. **How can you protect a worksheet to prevent accidental modification?**

- A) By setting a password

- B) By saving it in a different format

- C) By hiding the worksheet

- D) By printing the worksheet

- **Answer: A**

These questions should provide a good overview of basic concepts related to electronic spreadsheets.



Explanation:Sure, here are 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to electronic spreadsheets (IT):

1. **Which software is commonly used for electronic spreadsheets?**

  - A) Microsoft Word

  - B) Microsoft Excel

  - C) Adobe Photoshop

  - D) Google Chrome

  - **Correct Answer:** B) Microsoft Excel

2. **What is a cell in an electronic spreadsheet?**

  - A) A row and column intersection

  - B) A document title

  - C) A computer program

  - D) A spreadsheet template

  - **Correct Answer:** A) A row and column intersection

3. **In Excel, which symbol is used to start a formula?**

  - A) %

  - B) =

  - C) $

  - D) @

  - **Correct Answer:** B) =

4. **Which function in Excel is used to find the highest value in a range?**

  - A) MAX

  - B) MIN

  - C) AVG

  - D) SUM

  - **Correct Answer:** A) MAX

5. **What does the function VLOOKUP do in Excel?**

  - A) Looks up values vertically

  - B) Checks for viruses

  - C) Compares two spreadsheets

  - D) Summarizes data

  - **Correct Answer:** A) Looks up values vertically

6. **Which of the following is NOT a valid Excel function?**

  - A) IF

  - B) THEN

  - C) SUM


  - **Correct Answer:** B) THEN

7. **Which Excel feature allows data to be automatically displayed on another worksheet based on criteria you specify?**

  - A) PivotTable

  - B) Scenario Manager

  - C) Data Validation

  - D) Conditional Formatting

  - **Correct Answer:** A) PivotTable

8. **What is the purpose of freezing panes in Excel?**

  - A) To prevent unauthorized access

  - B) To protect data from corruption

  - C) To keep rows or columns visible while scrolling

  - D) To sort data automatically

  - **Correct Answer:** C) To keep rows or columns visible while scrolling

9. **Which function in Excel allows you to add up a range of numbers?**

  - A) AVG

  - B) MAX

  - C) COUNT

  - D) SUM

  - **Correct Answer:** D) SUM

10. **Which Excel feature would you use to highlight cells that meet a certain condition?**

   - A) Filter

   - B) Sort

   - C) Conditional Formatting

   - D) Freeze Panes

   - **Correct Answer:** C) Conditional Formatting

11. **What does the function COUNTIF do in Excel?**

   - A) Counts the number of cells that meet a condition

   - B) Calculates the average of a range of cells

   - C) Adds up numbers in a range

   - D) Finds the maximum value in a range

   - **Correct Answer:** A) Counts the number of cells that meet a condition

12. **Which Excel feature allows you to quickly add up numbers in a column or row?**

   - A) AutoSum

   - B) AutoFormat

   - C) AutoFill

   - D) AutoComplete

   - **Correct Answer:** A) AutoSum

13. **What is a spreadsheet template in Excel?**

   - A) A pre-designed worksheet

   - B) A list of formulas

   - C) A software tool

   - D) A function library

   - **Correct Answer:** A) A pre-designed worksheet

14. **Which Excel function would you use to round a number to the nearest integer?**

   - A) ROUND

   - B) SUM


   - D) COUNT

   - **Correct Answer:** A) ROUND

15. **In Excel, what is the purpose of the function CONCATENATE?**

   - A) To split text into separate cells

   - B) To combine text from multiple cells into one cell

   - C) To calculate the average of a range of cells

   - D) To find the maximum value in a range

   - **Correct Answer:** B) To combine text from multiple cells into one cell

16. **Which Excel feature allows you to view different scenarios based on changing values?**

   - A) Scenario Manager

   - B) Data Validation

   - C) Goal Seek

   - D) Conditional Formatting

   - **Correct Answer:** A) Scenario Manager

17. **What does the function IFERROR do in Excel?**

   - A) Checks for errors in formulas

   - B) Calculates the sum of a range

   - C) Converts text to lowercase

   - D) Adds up numbers in a range

   - **Correct Answer:** A) Checks for errors in formulas

18. **Which Excel feature allows you to change the appearance of cells based on their value?**

   - A) Filter

   - B) Sort

   - C) Conditional Formatting

   - D) Freeze Panes

   - **Correct Answer:** C) Conditional Formatting

19. **What does the function TODAY() do in Excel?**

   - A) Displays the current date

   - B) Adds up numbers in a range

   - C) Sorts data alphabetically

   - D) Converts text to uppercase

   - **Correct Answer:** A) Displays the current date

20. **Which Excel feature would you use to display data in a graphical format?**

   - A) AutoSum

   - B) PivotTable

   - C) Chart

   - D) Filter

   - **Correct Answer:** C) Chart

These questions cover basic to intermediate concepts related to electronic spreadsheets, particularly focusing on Excel.

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