Answer :


leela mujumdar was bengali writer she want to spread joyness and hapiness among her reader.



"A Narrow Escape" by Leela Majumdar is a short story that illustrates a thrilling and suspenseful incident in the life of the protagonist, typically a young boy or girl, living in rural or semi-rural India. The narrative revolves around a close encounter with danger, often involving elements like wild animals, natural calamities, or treacherous terrains.

The story builds up tension as the protagonist finds themselves in a perilous situation, often due to a moment of curiosity or an adventurous spirit. The climax of the story is marked by the character's quick thinking, bravery, or the timely intervention of a helpful figure, leading to a narrow escape from the imminent danger.

Majumdar's writing captures the vivid details of the setting and the emotions of the characters, making the reader feel the intensity of the escape. The story concludes on a note of relief and often carries a moral or a lesson learned from the harrowing experience.

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