Answer :

[tex] { \large{ \blue{ \frak{ - \: Answer \: - }}}}[/tex]


# All living organisms need outside raw materials to survive and sustain themselves. The type and amount of raw materials needed depends on the organism's complexity and its environment. Some examples of raw materials that organisms use include :

  • Food : A source of energy for organisms
  • Oxygen : Helps organisms break down food to obtain energy
  • Water : Helps with digestion and other bodily functions


# Different organisms use different raw materials:

[tex]\bigstar[/tex] Autotrophic organisms :

Use carbon dioxide, water, and minerals to synthesize their own food. Green plants are the most common autotrophs and use carbon dioxide from the air to make sugars through photosynthesis.


[tex]\bigstar[/tex] Heterotrophic organisms :

Depend on autotrophs for food. Animals, for example, take in food, oxygen, and water as raw materials.


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Hey mate!! Here's the answer of your question...


All living organisms need outside raw materials to survive and sustain themselves. Oxygen, water, and food are examples of external raw materials used by organisms.

Hope that's helpful. Keep smiling

Good morning ^___^

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