following are the setting arrangement and their cost of a ticket provides and seat wise and the setting plane of the theatre is as follows find the total number of seats per cost for the ​

Answer :


It seems like your question is about calculating the total number of seats for each ticket price category in a theater, based on the seating arrangement provided. However, the seating arrangement details are not fully clear from your message.

To find the total number of seats per ticket cost category, you typically need the following information:

1. **Seating Plan**: This includes details like the number of rows and seats in each row, and potentially different sections or categories within the theater.

2. **Ticket Prices**: Different categories or sections of seats might have different ticket prices.

3. **Allocation**: You need to know how many seats are allocated to each ticket price category based on the seating plan.

Without specific details on the seating arrangement and ticket prices, it's challenging to provide a precise calculation. Typically, you would multiply the number of seats in each category by the corresponding ticket price to find the total revenue potential per category.

If you can provide more specific details about the seating arrangement and ticket prices, I'd be happy to help you calculate the total number of seats per cost category.


Step-by-step explanation:It seems like your question got cut off. Could you please provide more details or clarify what exactly you need help with regarding the seating arrangement and ticket costs of the theater? I'm here to assist you!