Answer :


Levelling of a ploughed field is beneficial for several reasons:

1. **Uniform Water Distribution**: Levelled fields ensure that water is evenly distributed during irrigation. This prevents waterlogging in some areas and drought conditions in others, promoting uniform crop growth.

2. **Efficient Use of Resources**: With a level field, fertilizers and pesticides can be applied more evenly, leading to more efficient use of these resources and better crop yield.

3. **Reduced Soil Erosion**: Levelled fields are less prone to soil erosion caused by water runoff. This helps in maintaining soil fertility and structure.

4. **Ease of Mechanization**: Agricultural machinery can operate more efficiently on level fields, reducing the time and labor required for planting, cultivating, and harvesting.

5. **Better Crop Establishment**: Seeds are planted at a consistent depth in level fields, ensuring better germination and establishment of crops.

In summary, levelling ploughed fields improves water management, resource efficiency, reduces erosion, facilitates mechanization, and enhances crop establishment, all of which contribute to better agricultural productivity.



Leveling a ploughed field offers several benefits:

1. **Improved Water Distribution**: A level field allows water to distribute evenly across the surface during irrigation, preventing waterlogging in some areas and ensuring all plants receive adequate moisture.

2. **Uniform Plant Growth**: Crops planted on a level field have more consistent access to nutrients and sunlight, promoting uniform growth and reducing variability in yield.

3. **Ease of Operations**: Level fields make it easier to perform agricultural operations such as planting, weeding, and harvesting. Machinery operates more efficiently, reducing fuel and labor costs.

4. **Prevention of Soil Erosion**: A flat surface helps in controlling soil erosion by reducing the speed of runoff water. This protects the topsoil and retains soil fertility over time.

5. **Better Pest Control**: Even fields facilitate better pest and disease management as it allows for more effective application of treatments and monitoring.

In conclusion, leveling a ploughed field optimizes agricultural productivity, efficiency, and sustainability, making it a beneficial practice for farmers.