Answer :


mark as brainlist plz

I hope this is helpful for you


To convert the recurring decimal \(1.090909...\) into \(P/Q\) form:

Let \(x = 1.090909...\)

Multiply \(x\) by 100 to remove the recurring decimal:

\(100x = 109.090909...\)

Now, subtract \(x\) from \(100x\):

\[100x - x = 109.090909... - 1.090909...\]

\[99x = 108\]

Now, divide both sides by 99 to solve for \(x\):

\[x = \frac{108}{99}\]

So, \(1.090909...\) in \(P/Q\) form is:

\[1.090909... = \frac{108}{99}\]

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