Answer :


The setting of the poem "12 O'Clock" by Rabindranath Tagore can be inferred from the content and imagery described in the poem. The poem presents a sense of mystery and solitude, often associated with the midnight hour. Here are a few reasons supporting this interpretation:

1. **Time Setting**:

- The title "12 O'Clock" explicitly indicates midnight, a time often linked with quietness, introspection, and a mystical atmosphere.

2. **Atmospheric Elements**:

- The poem's mood and tone suggest a nighttime setting. The quietness and stillness that accompany midnight enhance the poem's reflective and somewhat eerie quality.

3. **Imagery and Themes**:

- The imagery in the poem evokes a sense of stillness and calm that is characteristic of midnight. Themes of solitude and introspection are amplified by the nighttime setting, where distractions are minimal and the world is at rest.

4. **Symbolism**:

- Midnight can symbolize both an end and a beginning, a transitional moment between one day and the next. This symbolism may be reflected in the poem's exploration of deeper thoughts and emotions.

Therefore, the setting of the poem "12 O'Clock" is midnight, characterized by a quiet, introspective atmosphere that supports the poem's themes and mood.

please mark my answer as brainliest


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Hindi Chapter 4 mithahi Waka.

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