Answer :


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and please make me the brainliest answer I request you please give me the brainliest answer request you please please please


To draw the reflected rays in each diagram, follow the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Here are the steps to complete the diagrams:

1. Identify the normal line: This is an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface at the point where the incident ray strikes the surface.

2. Measure the angle of incidence (θi): This is the angle between the incident ray and the normal line.

3. Draw the angle of reflection (θr): This angle should be equal to the angle of incidence and on the opposite side of the normal line.

Given the angles and the dotted lines representing the surface, here are the reflected rays drawn:

1. Top left diagram:

- Draw the normal line at the point where the incident ray meets the surface.

- Reflect the ray at the same angle but on the opposite side of the normal.

2. **Top right diagram:**

- Draw the normal line at the point where the incident ray meets the surface.

- Reflect the ray at the same angle but on the opposite side of the normal.

3. **Bottom left diagram:**

- Draw the normal line at the point where the incident ray meets the surface.

- Reflect the ray at the same angle but on the opposite side of the normal.

4. **Bottom right diagram:**

- Draw the normal line at the point where the incident ray meets the surface.

- Reflect the ray at the same angle but on the opposite side of the normal.

Here's how the reflected rays should look:

1. **Top left diagram:**

- The incident ray approaches from the top left and reflects to the top right.

2. **Top right diagram:**

- The incident ray approaches from the top right and reflects to the bottom right.

3. **Bottom left diagram:**

- The incident ray approaches from the bottom left and reflects to the top left.

4. **Bottom right diagram:**

- The incident ray approaches from the bottom right and reflects to the top right.

These reflections are symmetrical and follow the principle that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Hope it helps you! :)

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