1. The temperature at 12noon was 10°C. If it decreases at
the rate of 2°C per hour until midnight, at what time
What would be the
would the temperature be 8°C?
temperative at midnight?

Answer :


To determine at what time the temperature would be 8°C and what the temperature would be at midnight, we can calculate as follows:


- Temperature at 12 noon = 10°C

- Temperature decreases at a rate of 2°C per hour

Let's find out how many hours it takes for the temperature to decrease from 10°C to 8°C:

1. **Calculate the time to reach 8°C:**

Temperature decrease needed = 10°C - 8°C = 2°C

Rate of decrease = 2°C per hour

Time (hours) = Decrease needed / Rate of decrease

= 2°C / 2°C per hour

= 1 hour

Therefore, it will take 1 hour from 12 noon to reach 8°C.

Time when temperature reaches 8°C = 12 noon + 1 hour

= 1 PM

So, the temperature would be 8°C at 1 PM.

2. **Calculate the temperature at midnight:**

From 12 noon to midnight, there are 12 hours (since there are 12 hours from noon to midnight).

Temperature decrease = Rate of decrease × Time

= 2°C per hour × 12 hours

= 24°C

Final temperature at midnight = Initial temperature - Temperature decrease

= 10°C - 24°C

= -14°C

Therefore, the temperature at midnight would be -14°C.


- The temperature would be 8°C at 1 PM.

- The temperature at midnight would be -14°C.

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