Answer :


APJ Abdul Kalam, often referred to as the "People's President" of India, had several visionary ideas and goals for the country during his tenure as President (2002-2007) and throughout his life as a scientist and leader. Some of his key visions for India included:

1. **Education and Youth Development**: Kalam emphasized the importance of education in nation-building and believed that empowering the youth through quality education and skill development was crucial for India's progress.

2. **Scientific Advancement**: As a former scientist himself, Kalam advocated for increased investment in scientific research and innovation. He envisioned India becoming a global leader in technology and space exploration.

3. **Rural Development**: Kalam focused on empowering rural areas through technology and sustainable development initiatives. He believed in harnessing science and technology to improve agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods.

4. **National Unity**: Kalam stressed the importance of national unity and harmony among India's diverse communities. He promoted a vision of India where all citizens, regardless of caste, creed, or religion, work together for the country's progress.

5. **Vision 2020**: Kalam authored the book "India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium," where he outlined his aspirations for India to become a developed nation by the year 2020. He laid down specific goals in areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, and governance.

6. **Environmental Sustainability**: Kalam was concerned about environmental degradation and advocated for sustainable development practices. He encouraged initiatives that would protect India's natural resources and biodiversity.

Overall, Abdul Kalam's visions for India were centered around education, scientific advancement, rural development, national unity, and sustainable growth. He believed in leveraging India's strengths in technology and human resources to propel the country towards becoming a developed nation and a global leader.


pls mark me brainliest


Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam envisioned a strong, developed India. He emphasized three key goals:

Freedom: He cherished India's independence and believed self-reliance was crucial.

Development: He dreamt of India becoming a prosperous nation with scientific and technological advancements.

Strength: He advocated for a robust India, both militarily and economically, to stand tall on the world stage.

Hope it helps :)

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