1. Make a Bar graph and show 5 states which are facing water scarcity
(A). Find the percent of people facing water scarcity problem.
B). Which state has maximum number of people facing water scarcity
(C) Which state has minimum number of people facing water scarcity
2. Write 5 ways to make 1000 litres.
Example -
500+500 1000 litres.

Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

Sure, here's a suggested activity in mathematics based on your requirements:

**Activity: Understanding Water Scarcity Issues in Different States**

**1. Making a Bar Graph:**

- Identify 5 states in India that are facing water scarcity issues (for example, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat).

- Collect data on the number of people facing water scarcity issues in each of these states.

- Create a bar graph that represents the number of people facing water scarcity in each state. Each bar will represent one state, and the height of the bar will correspond to the number of people affected.

**A. Finding the Percent of People Facing Water Scarcity Problem:**

- Once you have the data for each state, calculate the total number of people facing water scarcity across all 5 states.

- Find the percentage of people facing water scarcity in each state by dividing the number of people facing water scarcity in that state by the total population of that state (you can use approximate population data).

- Represent these percentages either in a table or annotate them directly on the bar graph.

**B. Identifying the State with Maximum Number of People Facing Water Scarcity:**

- Determine which state has the highest number of people facing water scarcity based on your bar graph or the data collected.

- Highlight this state and provide the number of people affected.

**C. Identifying the State with Minimum Number of People Facing Water Scarcity:**

- Similarly, identify the state with the lowest number of people facing water scarcity based on your data.

- Highlight this state and provide the number of people affected.

**2. Writing 5 Ways to Make 1000 Litres:**

- Provide 5 different combinations of quantities that add up to 1000 litres. Here are some examples:

1. 500 litres + 500 litres = 1000 litres

2. 400 litres + 600 litres = 1000 litres

3. 250 litres + 750 litres = 1000 litres

4. 200 litres + 300 litres + 500 litres = 1000 litres

5. 100 litres + 400 litres + 500 litres = 1000 litres

- Encourage students to explore different combinations involving whole numbers and discuss how these combinations are formed.

This activity integrates mathematics with current social and environmental issues, fostering critical thinking and data analysis skills among students.

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