He escaped the prison but died The students take their studies cholera. 22. unknown a seriousness utterly their European colleagues. school Sundays. . We don't go 123 24. A girl blue eyes has just gone the door. 25. I walked one of the streets the mother. 26. The cat is hiding as the table. 27. Let us go a walk the table. 28. Do you always get up 6 O'clock the morning? 29. The picture will be show a week longer. 30. He has been absent the house 5 O'clock. 31. He suffered fever and died it. 32. Do you always get up morning? 6 O'clock the 33. I don't get very well him. 34. It is bad to laugh children their mistakes. 35. It is no use your begging mercy me. 36. Just acquaint the gentlemen question. the facts of the case 37. I started work then. first of July and have been working on it 38. This shopkeeper deals me. grain, but he did not deal honestly 39. We must make a distinction what he is. what he appears and 40. Some people study the post its own sake. 41. He shall be punished every one of his crimes. 42. My shirt is made silk. 43. He hasn't seen me last Saturday. 44. The machine is an expression mind matter. the victory 45. I cannot compete the prize English. 46. It is fashionable solve our problems many countries to think that we can free education all. 47. The person who stood there was accused stone his neighbour's window. throwing a 48. We should not always depend others.​

Answer :


Explanation:Hii! dear the ans is The correct answer is 'of'. 'die of' refers to dying as the result of a disease, and 'die from' refers to dying as a result of an external cause such as an accident or a disaster. By means 'as a means of' something or someone. This preposition often comes in a passive sentence.

Hence, the correct sentence is: The doctor said that he had died of cholera

Thank you to see my ans plz give me brainliest

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