a. what is the boiling point of the liquid
b. name the process occouring in (d)
c. explain the arrangement and movement of particles in A and E​

a what is the boiling point of the liquid b name the process occouring in dc explain the arrangement and movement of particles in A and E class=

Answer :


1) 100 degree celcius

2) boiling

3) in A and E temperatures is increasing with time means conversion of states of matter is occuring.


Certainly! Here's an example code in Python that uses `prettytable` to format text in different styles that can be used for answering questions on a platform like Brainly. This example will demonstrate creating different types of styled answers for various question types.

First, make sure you have the `prettytable` library installed:


pip install prettytable


Then, use the following code:


from prettytable import PrettyTable

# Function to create a table for different types of answers

def create_answer_table(question, answer, answer_type):

table = PrettyTable()

table.field_names = ["Question", "Answer"]

if answer_type == "detailed":

table.add_row([question, answer])

elif answer_type == "summary":

table.add_row([question, "Summary: " + answer])

elif answer_type == "step_by_step":

steps = answer.split('. ')

formatted_answer = "\n".join(f"Step {i+1}: {step.strip()}" for i, step in enumerate(steps))

table.add_row([question, formatted_answer])

elif answer_type == "list":

items = answer.split(', ')

formatted_answer = "\n".join(f"- {item.strip()}" for item in items)

table.add_row([question, formatted_answer])


table.add_row([question, answer])

return table

# Example usage

question = "How does photosynthesis work?"

detailed_answer = ("Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities. "

"This process occurs in chloroplasts within plant cells, where chlorophyll captures light energy. "

"This energy is then used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.")

summary_answer = "Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy, producing glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water."

step_by_step_answer = ("Light absorption by chlorophyll. "

"Conversion of light energy to chemical energy. "

"Storage of chemical energy in the form of glucose.")

list_answer = "light absorption, conversion of energy, storage of energy"

# Create tables for different types of answers

detailed_table = create_answer_table(question, detailed_answer, "detailed")

summary_table = create_answer_table(question, summary_answer, "summary")

step_by_step_table = create_answer_table(question, step_by_step_answer, "step_by_step")

list_table = create_answer_table(question, list_answer, "list")

# Print tables

print("Detailed Answer:\n", detailed_table)

print("\nSummary Answer:\n", summary_table)

print("\nStep-by-Step Answer:\n", step_by_step_table)

print("\nList Answer:\n", list_table)


### Explanation:

1. **Detailed Answer**: Provides a comprehensive explanation.

2. **Summary Answer**: Provides a brief summary of the explanation.

3. **Step-by-Step Answer**: Breaks down the explanation into steps.

4. **List Answer**: Lists out the main points.

This code formats the answers into tables, making them visually appealing and easy to read. You can adapt this code to format and style answers for different types of questions and platforms.

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