Q19. "Arjuna's Bird's Eye Test Teaches Us How We Should Set Our Priorities
Right & Chase Our Goals". Justify the given statement by
giving any real-life

Answer :


uguhibibgydgfjvkbjvnbc h tzxb hoga h hycfh b xgchvjbkbkvh b b txncvjj bjvcydt h KBC mvcuh xyxh h chc ibigtdrxhbk n fx


The story of Arjuna’s bird’s eye test from the Mahabharata teaches us the importance of focus and setting clear priorities when pursuing our goals. In the story, Arjuna's teacher, Dronacharya, set up a test for his students. They were asked to shoot the eye of a wooden bird perched on a tree. When each student took aim, Dronacharya asked what they saw. Most described seeing the bird, the tree, and the surroundings. However, Arjuna said he could only see the bird’s eye. This singular focus enabled him to succeed in hitting the target.

This story illustrates the power of concentrated effort and setting clear, prioritized goals. Here’s a real-life example to justify this:


Preparation for Competitive Exams

Consider a student preparing for competitive exams like the IIT-JEE in India, SAT in the United States, or any other rigorous standardized test. These exams are highly competitive and require intense preparation and focus.

1. Setting Priorities:

The student first sets clear priorities. They identify the subjects and topics that carry the most weight in the exam and recognize which areas they need to strengthen.

2. Focused Study Plan:

Instead of getting distracted by less relevant activities or subjects, the student creates a focused study plan. This plan includes a detailed timetable, dedicating specific hours to studying critical topics.

3. Minimizing Distractions:

Similar to how Arjuna saw only the bird’s eye, the student minimizes distractions. They might limit social media use, reduce time spent on hobbies, or even temporarily suspend social outings.

4. Regular Practice and Evaluation:

The student regularly practices mock tests and past papers, focusing on their performance and areas needing improvement, just as Arjuna practiced his archery skills tirelessly.

5. Consistent Effort and Adjustment:

If they find certain strategies or study methods ineffective, they adjust their approach. This flexibility ensures they remain on track toward their primary goal, similar to how Arjuna would adjust his aim until he was sure of hitting the target.


By maintaining a clear focus on their goal and prioritizing their efforts effectively, the student significantly increases their chances of succeeding in the competitive exam. This disciplined approach, reflecting the essence of Arjuna’s test, demonstrates how focused determination and prioritization can lead to achieving one’s goals.

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