Answer :

In the story "The First Flight" from Class 10, some important vocabulary words include:

1. Perfunctory: done as a matter of duty or custom, without feeling or interest

2. Reproach: to express disapproval or disappointment

3. Incredulously: in a manner indicating disbelief

4. Quizzical: indicating mild or amused puzzlement

5. Disdainful: showing contempt or lack of respect

6. Dismay: consternation and distress, typically caused by something unexpected

7. Perplexed: completely baffled; very puzzled

8. Elation: great happiness and exhilaration

9. Bewildered: completely puzzled or confused

10. Incredulity: the state of being unwilling or unable to believe something

These words are important in understanding the emotions, reactions, and tone of the characters and events in the story "The First Flight."

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