Make a report by observing the motion of different objects in your day to day life. Explain
he types of motion shown by the objects. Estimate their distance/ displacement covered with
respect to time.

Answer :

Observing the Motion of Different Objects in Day to Day Life -

Types of Motion

- Rectilinear Motion: Watching cars move in a straight line on the road.

- Circular Motion: Observing a ceiling fan rotate in circles.

- Oscillatory Motion: Noticing a pendulum swing back and forth.

- Estimating Distance/Displacement Covered

- Rectilinear Motion: By measuring the distance between the starting point and endpoint of the car.

- Circular Motion: Calculating the circumference of the fan's rotation.

- Oscillatory Motion: Measuring the maximum distance the pendulum swings in each direction. -

Time Calculation

- Rectilinear Motion: Recording the time it takes for the car to reach its destination.

- Circular Motion: Timing the fan's complete rotation.

- Oscillatory Motion: Noting the time taken for one full swing of the pendulum.

By observing the motion of different objects in our daily lives, we can gain a better understanding of the various types of motion and how distance/displacement can be estimated with respect to time. This exercise helps us appreciate the principles of physics that govern the movement of objects around us.

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