make a list of instruction do not open the door for stranger when you are alone that you parents often given you saw that you are safe at home and outside when you are alone why this instruction are important?

Answer :


**Instructions for Safety When Alone:**

1. Do not open the door for strangers.

2. Always check who is at the door through a peephole or window before opening it.

3. Keep the doors and windows locked.

4. Do not share information about being alone with anyone who calls or visits.

5. If you feel unsafe, contact a trusted adult or neighbor.

**Importance of These Instructions:**

- **Prevent Unwanted Entry**: Not opening the door for strangers prevents unauthorized people from entering your home, which could pose a safety risk.

- **Protect Personal Safety**: Ensuring that you know who is at the door before opening it helps protect you from potential harm.

- **Maintain Privacy**: Keeping your status of being alone private prevents individuals with bad intentions from taking advantage of the situation.

- **Emergency Preparedness**: Knowing who to contact in case of an emergency ensures that help can be quickly accessed if needed.

These instructions are important because they help maintain your safety and security at home and outside, especially when you are alone.

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