Answer the questions
1. How is Venice different from other che
2. Explain the meaning of the phrases to be off one's head and to go out of one's mind
3. What are some of the sights and sounds that can
be experienced in
the evenings from a
4. Who is Merechkousty? What makes him go out of his mind and why?
S. Uscall the places one can visit in Venice
6. The author says, they do not despise art, as with us Whom do they' and 'us' refer
What does the word despise mean?
7. Where are the great artises of Venice buried?
$. What is special about the churches in Venice?
8. What was happening on Sunday in St Mark's Square?
10. Who is writing this letter to whom? What does the recipient do?
Find words from the passage which have the following meanings
5. enjoy oneself in a noisy way