Answer :


The conversation between the dog, ox, horse, and the camel in Rudyard Kipling's story "How the Camel Got His Hump" focuses on the camel's refusal to work when the world was new. The horse, dog, and ox are given tasks by the man, but the camel, living in the desert, avoids work and responds to requests for help with a dismissive "Humph!" This frustrates the other animals, who complain to the Djinn, the overseer of all deserts. The Djinn eventually punishes the camel by giving him a hump, enabling him to work without needing to eat frequently, thus resolving the issue of his laziness [[❞]]( [[❞]]( [[❞]](

For more detailed summaries and questions related to this story, you can refer to sources such as [Lit2Go]( and [NCERT Solutions](


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