Answer :


Lencho suspected that the postmaster had taken the rest of the money. The irony in this situation lies in the fact that Lencho, who had complete faith in God and believed that God would send him the money he needed, doubted the honesty of the postmaster. Despite his strong faith, Lencho couldn't trust the postmaster and accused him of taking the money, showing a contradiction between his belief in God's providence and his suspicion towards a fellow human. This irony highlights the complexity of human nature and the contradictions that can exist within individuals.


In short

Lencho suspected the postmaster had taken the money, which is ironic because Lencho had unwavering faith in God to provide but doubted the postmaster's honesty. This shows a contradiction in Lencho's beliefs and highlights the complexity of human nature.


Lencho suspected that the post office employees had taken the rest of the money. He believed this because he received only 70 pesos instead of the 100 pesos he had requested from God, leading him to conclude that the employees had stolen the remaining amount.


Explanation of the Irony:

Misplaced Trust: The irony lies in Lencho's absolute faith in God’s ability to send him the money, juxtaposed with his complete lack of trust in the human intermediaries who facilitated this aid. While Lencho believed wholeheartedly in divine intervention, he was quick to suspect dishonesty among the very people who had selflessly contributed their own money to help him.

Good Deed Misinterpreted: The post office employees, including the postmaster, were touched by Lencho’s faith and decided to help by pooling together 70 pesos. They intended to preserve Lencho's faith in God and demonstrate human kindness. Ironically, their altruistic act was misinterpreted by Lencho as theft, leading him to believe that the employees had taken part of the money meant for him.

This situation highlights the contrast between Lencho’s deep faith in the divine and his skepticism towards human nature. It also underscores how acts of kindness can sometimes be misunderstood, leading to unintended and unfair conclusions.