Answer :

It seems like there might be a typo in your question. It's not clear what the specific values are for the difference of the two rational numbers and the first number. However, I'll try to provide a general approach to solve this type of problem.

Let's denote the two rational numbers as \( a \) and \( b \).


1. The difference of two rational numbers is \( d \).

2. The first number is \( a \).

To find the second number \( b \), you can set up the equation based on the information given:

\[ a - b = d \]

From this equation, you can solve for \( b \):

\[ b = a - d \]

Therefore, to find the second number \( b \), you subtract the difference \( d \) from the first number \( a \).

If you have specific values for \( a \) and \( d \), you can substitute them into the equation \( b = a - d \) to find \( b \). If you provide the specific values given in your problem, I can give you a more precise answer.

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