Answer :

Kings historically inscribed their orders to ensure the durability and dissemination of their commands across their realms. Inscriptions on stone or metal were less likely to be lost, altered, or destroyed compared to those on perishable materials. For instance, the rock and pillar edicts of King Ashoka, which were carved in stone, are among the oldest surviving written documents of historical importance in India, providing a lasting record of his reign and policies. This practice also symbolized the unchanging and binding nature of a king's word, reflecting the permanence and authority of their rule.


hi there this is the brief explanation of this


Kings and rulers in ancient times often got their orders and edicts inscribed for several reasons:

1. **Communication Across Distance:** Inscribing orders allowed rulers to communicate their directives across vast territories without relying solely on oral communication. This ensured that their commands were accurately conveyed to distant regions.

2. **Documentation and Record Keeping:** By inscribing orders, kings created a permanent record of their decisions and decrees. This helped in maintaining a historical record of governance, legal proceedings, and administrative actions.

3. **Legitimacy and Authority:** Inscribing orders in stone or metal added a sense of permanence and authority to the king's commands. It symbolized the king's power and authority over his subjects and territories.

4. **Public Display:** Inscribed orders were often displayed in public places such as temples, market squares, and administrative buildings. This made the orders visible to a large audience, ensuring widespread awareness and compliance.

5. **Legal and Administrative Purposes:** Inscribed orders served as legal documents, outlining rules, regulations, and policies. They facilitated the administration of justice, taxation, land grants, and other governmental functions.

6. **Cultural and Religious Significance:** In some cultures, inscriptions were also used to propagate religious teachings, moral codes, and cultural values. Kings utilized inscriptions to promote societal norms and ideologies.

Overall, inscribing orders was a multifaceted practice that served political, administrative, legal, cultural, and communication purposes in ancient societies.

thank you

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