Answer :


Step-by-step explanation:Sure, let's define "quadrant" and "coordinates":

**1. Quadrant:**

- A quadrant is one of the four regions into which the coordinate plane is divided by the x-axis and y-axis. These axes intersect at the origin (0, 0), dividing the plane into four quadrants.

- The quadrants are usually labeled as follows:

 - **Quadrant I**: The upper-right quadrant where both x and y coordinates are positive.

 - **Quadrant II**: The upper-left quadrant where x is negative and y is positive.

 - **Quadrant III**: The lower-left quadrant where both x and y coordinates are negative.

 - **Quadrant IV**: The lower-right quadrant where x is positive and y is negative.


 Quadrants are important in Cartesian coordinate systems for identifying the location of points and describing the direction of vectors or movements.

**2. Coordinates:**

- Coordinates refer to the values that define the position of a point in a coordinate system. The most common coordinate system is the Cartesian coordinate system, which uses two perpendicular axes (usually horizontal x-axis and vertical y-axis) to define points in a plane.

- Each point in this system has an x-coordinate (horizontal position) and a y-coordinate (vertical position).

- For example, in the point (3, 4):

 - The x-coordinate is 3, which means the point is 3 units to the right (or left if negative) of the origin.

 - The y-coordinate is 4, which means the point is 4 units above (or below if negative) the origin.

Coordinates are fundamental in mathematics and physics for describing positions, velocities, forces, and other quantities in space. They provide a standardized way to pinpoint locations and analyze spatial relationships.


A quadrant is a region defined by the two axes (x-axis and y-axis) of the coordinate system. When the two axes, x-axis and y-axis, intersect each other at 90 degrees, the four regions so formed are the quadrants. These regions include both positive and negative values of x-axis and y-axis, called coordinates. The coordinates represent the position of a point in a quadrant.


A quadrant is simply defined as the region of a cartesian plane formed when the x-axis and y-axis intersect each other.

Hope it helps :)