Due to Globalisation, there was increase in foreign investments in India. This led to (a) Shift towards left (b) Movement inside the PPC (c) Movement on the PPC (d) Shift towards​

Answer :


The correct answer is:

(c) Movement on the PPC (Production Possibility Curve)

### Explanation:

Due to globalization and an increase in foreign investments, India's economy would have access to more resources, better technology, and improved infrastructure. This typically leads to:

- An increase in the country's production capabilities for both goods and services.

- Utilizing previously underutilized resources more efficiently.

Such changes usually result in a movement on the Production Possibility Curve (PPC), representing a more efficient allocation of resources, thus moving the economy closer to the PPC, assuming it was inside it initially due to underutilization of resources. If the economy was already on the PPC, the increase in resources and technology could potentially shift the PPC outward, indicating an increase in the country's overall productive capacity. However, the correct choice provided in the context of the options given is a movement on the PPC.


a is the correct answer

plz give me brsi list answer

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