Make a model on any two unusual traditional musical instruments (1 feet each) that are unique to a culture
from around the world. Also depict the given below information on placards-
a) Name of the body organs that are used to play the instrument.
b) Mention the health benefits of using these instruments.

Answer :




### Traditional Musical Instruments: Shamisen (Japan) and Sitar (India)

#### Shamisen (Japan)

**Description:** The Shamisen is a traditional Japanese stringed instrument with a distinctive sound.

**Placard Information:**

- **Body Organs Used:**

- Fingers: Used to pluck and strum the strings of the Shamisen.

- **Health Benefits:**

- **Improved Fine Motor Skills:** Playing the Shamisen requires precise finger movements, which can enhance dexterity and coordination.

- **Stress Relief:** Engaging in music-making can reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

- **Cultural Connection:** Learning and playing traditional instruments like the Shamisen fosters cultural appreciation and community bonding.

#### Sitar (India)

**Description:** The Sitar is a classical Indian musical instrument known for its resonant strings and melodic range.

**Placard Information:**

- **Body Organs Used:**

- Fingers: Used to pluck and press the strings of the Sitar.

- **Health Benefits:**

- **Enhanced Cognitive Function:** Playing the Sitar involves memorization, improvisation, and concentration, which can boost cognitive abilities.

- **Physical Exercise:** Constant practice improves hand-eye coordination and finger flexibility.

- **Emotional Well-being:** Music has therapeutic effects, reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of well-being.

### Summary

Both the Shamisen from Japan and the Sitar from India are not only musical instruments but also cultural symbols that contribute to physical, mental, and emotional health benefits through their practice and performance.

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