Answer :




2500 years ago, around 484 BC, there were both cities and kingdoms existing across various regions of the world. Here are some examples:

1. **Ancient Greece**:

- City-states like Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes were prominent. These were independent cities that often functioned as self-governing entities with their own political systems and cultures.

2. **Persian Empire**:

- The Persian Empire, under rulers like Darius I and Xerxes I, was a vast kingdom that spanned from Egypt to the Indus River. It comprised numerous cities and territories under central governance.

3. **Ancient China**:

- During the Warring States period (475–221 BC), China was divided into several competing kingdoms, such as Qin, Han, Wei, Chu, and Qi. Each kingdom had its capital city and surrounding territories.

4. **India**:

- The Indian subcontinent during this time saw the rise of various kingdoms and republics, such as the Maurya Empire (with its capital at Pataliputra) and smaller republics like those of the Vedic period.

5. **Mesopotamia**:

- In the Near East, regions like Babylonia and Assyria had cities such as Babylon, Nineveh, and Ur, which were centers of civilization and power.

These examples illustrate that 2500 years ago, societies were organized into both independent city-states and expansive kingdoms, each with their own political structures, economies, and cultural identities.