Answer :


Human activities have profoundly impacted tiger populations and their habitats worldwide. Deforestation, primarily driven by logging, agriculture, and urbanization, has drastically reduced the tiger's natural habitat, fragmenting it into smaller, less viable patches. This fragmentation isolates tiger populations, making it harder for them to find mates and maintain genetic diversity. Poaching for tiger skins, bones, and other body parts persists due to demand in traditional Asian medicine and luxury markets, further endangering these majestic cats. Additionally, human-wildlife conflict arises as tiger territories shrink, leading to increased instances of tigers preying on livestock, resulting in retaliatory killings by local communities. Conservation efforts are crucial to reversing these trends, focusing on habitat protection, anti-poaching measures, and community engagement to ensure the long-term survival of tigers in the wild.

Answer:Human-led activities have significantly impacted tiger populations, leading to various modifications in their behavior and habitat. Deforestation for agriculture and urban development has shrunk their natural habitat, forcing tigers into smaller, fragmented areas, which affects their hunting patterns and reduces their prey availability. Poaching for fur and body parts, used in traditional medicine, has also decimated tiger numbers. Furthermore, human-tiger conflict has increased as tigers venture closer to human settlements in search of food, often resulting in retaliatory killings. Conservation efforts are underway to mitigate these effects, focusing on habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures, and fostering human-tiger coexistence strategies.


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