Answer :


To divide 76,439 by 75 and find the quotient and remainder step by step, follow these steps:

### Step 1: Set Up the Division

- Dividend: 76,439

- Divisor: 75

### Step 2: Divide the First Few Digits

- Determine how many times 75 fits into the leading digits of the dividend.

- 75 fits into 764 (the first three digits of the dividend) 10 times (since 75 * 10 = 750).

### Step 3: Subtract and Bring Down the Next Digit

- Subtract 750 from 764, which gives 14.

- Bring down the next digit (3), making it 143.

### Step 4: Repeat the Process

- Determine how many times 75 fits into 143. It fits 1 time (75 * 1 = 75).

- Subtract 75 from 143, which gives 68.

- Bring down the next digit (9), making it 689.

### Step 5: Continue Until All Digits Are Used

- Determine how many times 75 fits into 689. It fits 9 times (75 * 9 = 675).

- Subtract 675 from 689, which gives 14.

- Bring down the last digit (9), making it 149.

### Step 6: Final Division

- Determine how many times 75 fits into 149. It fits 1 time (75 * 1 = 75).

- Subtract 75 from 149, which gives 74.

### Summary

- Quotient: 1019

- Remainder: 74

Thus, 76,439 divided by 75 gives a quotient of 1,019 and a remainder of 74.

### Verification

To verify, you can multiply the quotient by the divisor and add the remainder:

\[ 75 \times 1019 + 74 = 76425 + 74 = 76439 \]

The result matches the original dividend, confirming the correctness of the division.


Set up the division problem with the long division symbol or the long division bracket.

Put 487, the dividend, on the inside of the bracket. The dividend is the number you're dividing.

Put 32, the divisor, on the outside of the bracket. The divisor is the number you're dividing by.

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