2. You are Mani/Manika
Of class 7 k.v. Moradabad, you received first prize in English Essay writing
competition you were honoured by the principal in the morning Assembly.
Write a dairy entry narrating how happy
You felt at that moment.

Answer :

**Date: [Today's Date]**

Dear Diary,

Today was an incredibly special day for me at KV Moradabad. I feel so overwhelmed with happiness and pride because I received the first prize in the English Essay writing competition. It all happened during the morning assembly when the principal honored me in front of the entire school.

As I stood there, receiving the prize, I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. It was such a validating moment to see my hard work and efforts being recognized. Writing has always been my passion, and to be acknowledged for something I love doing is truly a dream come true.

The applause from my classmates and teachers was heartwarming. I could see my parents sitting in the audience, beaming with pride. Their support and encouragement have meant everything to me throughout this journey.

I am grateful to my English teacher, Ms. Sharma, who believed in my abilities and guided me throughout the competition. Her encouragement and feedback helped me refine my essay and present it with confidence.

This achievement has motivated me to continue pursuing my love for writing. It has shown me that hard work, dedication, and perseverance do pay off. I feel inspired to set even higher goals for myself and strive for excellence in everything I do.

Thank you, diary, for being my confidant and allowing me to share this wonderful moment. I will cherish today's memories forever.

Yours joyfully,

Mani / Manika


**Date: June 16, 2024**

Dear Diary,

Today was such an incredible day! I still can't believe it. I woke up feeling nervous and excited because today was the day of the English Essay Writing competition results announcement at school. I had spent so many evenings carefully crafting my essay on "The Power of Imagination" that I couldn't help but hope it would be well-received.

As the morning assembly began, my heart raced with anticipation. The principal, Mrs. Sharma, started announcing the results, and when she said my name for the first prize, I felt like time stood still for a moment. The applause from my classmates and teachers filled the air, and I couldn't stop smiling. It was an overwhelming mix of joy, pride, and gratitude.

Standing in front of everyone to receive the prize was both thrilling and humbling. Mrs. Sharma congratulated me and handed over the certificate and a trophy. I felt a rush of emotions – pride in my hard work paying off, happiness for making my parents proud, and a sense of achievement that I had never felt before.

After the assembly, my friends surrounded me, patting my back and congratulating me. It was heartwarming to see their genuine happiness for my success. I couldn't wait to call my parents and share the news with them. Their excitement over the phone made my day even brighter.

Throughout the day, teachers and classmates kept coming up to me, complimenting my essay and telling me how much they enjoyed reading it. It felt surreal to receive such appreciation for something I had poured my heart into.

Tonight, as I write this diary entry, I still feel a buzz of happiness and fulfillment. This day will always hold a special place in my heart – the day I was honored in front of the entire school for something I love doing – writing.

I am grateful for this experience and for everyone who has supported and encouraged me along the way. It has inspired me to continue pursuing my passion for writing with even more dedication.

Until next time, Diary.

Warm regards,


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