Answer :

Certainly! Here are the different stages of nutrition in Amoeba along with a diagram:

**Stage 1: Detection and Capture of Food**

1. **Detection of Food:**

- Amoeba uses its pseudopodia (false feet) to detect and sense the presence of food particles in its surroundings.

![Amoeba Detecting Food](

2. **Capturing Food:**

- Once a food particle is detected, Amoeba extends its pseudopodia around the food particle to engulf it. This process is known as phagocytosis.

![Amoeba Capturing Food](

**Stage 2: Formation of Food Vacuole**

1. **Enclosing the Food Particle:**

- The pseudopodia continue to surround the food particle, forming a temporary cavity called a food vacuole.

![Formation of Food Vacuole](

**Stage 3: Digestion Inside the Food Vacuole**

1. **Digestive Enzymes:**

- Within the food vacuole, enzymes are secreted to break down the food particle into simpler molecules.

![Digestion Inside Food Vacuole](

**Stage 4: Absorption of Nutrients**

1. **Nutrient Absorption:**

- Digested nutrients are absorbed across the membrane of the food vacuole and distributed throughout the cytoplasm of Amoeba for energy and growth.

![Absorption of Nutrients](

**Stage 5: Egestion of Undigested Material**

1. **Egestion:**

- Any undigested material or waste products are expelled from the cell through the membrane, completing the process of nutrition.

![Egestion of Undigested Material](

These stages illustrate how Amoeba obtains and processes food for nutrition through phagocytosis and intracellular digestion.

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