Multiple Choice Questions:
a) In which subject did the little man need help to do
ii). Science
b) Who is the part of the house?
ii). Parents.
iii) Social s
c) Who did the dog finally choose as his master?
i) wolf
lii) Mar
ii) with gust and pulls
d) How does the kite snap its tail?
i) With dive and dip
e) Whose effect was there on the first bird?
i) Robber
ii) Rishi iii) Farmer

Answer :


It seems like you have a set of multiple-choice questions with different subjects and topics. Here are the answers:

a) ii) Math

The little man needed help with math.

b) ii) Parents

Parents are a part of the house (family), not bricks (which are a part of the physical structure).

c) iv) Love

The dog finally chose Love as his master (this appears to be a story about a dog's loyalty and choice).

d) i) With dive and dip

The kite snaps its tail with dive and dip movements.

e) i) Robber

The effect was of the Robber on the first bird (this appears to be a story about a bird's encounter with a robber).

Please note that some of the options seem to be incomplete or don't fully make sense, so I've done my best to interpret them. If you could provide more context or clarify the questions, I'd be happy to help further!