"Eustress" or positive stress is defined as stress which enables employees
perform better and increase their job satisfaction. Relate the above informati
to the scientists at Thumba.

Answer :


It was the same for the scientists at Thumba. Eustress which is also regarded as positive stress enables workers or employees to perform better under stress or stressful situations. Due to this stress, they are constantly motivated to do better. As a result, the outcome of their performance is generally par excellence.

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Eustress, or positive stress, is a type of stress that can actually be beneficial for individuals, as it can help them perform better and increase their job satisfaction. This type of stress can motivate individuals to push themselves and achieve their goals.

In the case of the scientists at Thumba, eustress could have played a role in their work. The pressure of their research and the expectations placed upon them may have acted as a form of positive stress, driving them to work harder and be more successful in their endeavors. This type of stress may have helped them stay focused, motivated, and ultimately achieve their goals in their scientific pursuits.

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